Archive for the 'Insane' Category


How can anyone like President Obama?

         Lately, it has been so hard to listen to the news.   I noticed that every time I do I end up yelling and cursing at the television.  I am beyond anger and frustrated at our government especially President Obama.  There are so many educated and intelligent people who are so fooled by him.  And the more President Obama does the more obvious it is how wrong he is for our country.  Many Liberals I believe have there head in the sand, they are so intrigued by this man that they cant look past his rhortic, lies and his true motives.  President Obama is not a good person, he is very wrong for our country and I do not understand how can anyone even a liberal can stand this man.  Is there anybody out there who is a liberal and who does have a problem with President Obama?


Over $150 Million for the 2009 Inauguration!

   It was really hard to find the estimated cost of the 2009 Presidential Inauguration which I find it very strange since it was made a big deal at the 2005 Presidential Inauguration.  But once again we are seeing media bias. Liberals claimed that the $42.3 million dollars that President Bush spent was so much money and it is however I don’t see the same people up in arms with the cost of this years Presidential Inauguration.  In fact I doubt anyone knows since it doesn’t seem like a whole lot coverage is on it.  Well the estimated cost of the 2009  Presidential Inauguration will be between $150 and $160 million. (

   I am simply blown away at the cost of the Presidential Inauguration. I think its insane that Obama would spent that much money especially when we are having a financial crisis.  I think its extremely wasteful and it shows poor judgment.  That amount of money can be used for so many other really important things.  He claims he cares so much about the public then why not give the money to help people who need money for health insurance or gas. I believe Obama is just talk.  He said whatever he could to be elected.

   What bothers me the most about this huge cost is the double standard.  A lot of liberals were upset that Bush spent $42.3 million dollars.  Now its funny to think they were so mad at Bush but not Obama.  $42.3 million dollars is a lot of money however $150 million dollars is such a huge difference that I don’t understand how the same people who were mad at Bush are not mad now.  People should be up in arms that Obama is spending this much money when were having a tough time in are economy. 


May 2024